
Is, are am

Is, are am
  1. When to use is am are?
  2. Is Am are practice sentence?
  3. Is Are Am was and were are examples of this verb?
  4. Is Am are has have use?

When to use is am are?

Am is for the first person singular (I am), is is for the third person singular (he is, she is, it is) and are is for the first person plural (we are), the second person singular and plural (you are) and the third person plural (they are). Was/Were — These two verb forms are used for the past tense.

Is Am are practice sentence?

Is am are का प्रयोग Affirmative Sentences में करना बहुत आसान है। सबसे पहले आपको वाक्य के कर्ता (Subject) रखना है। इसी के अनुसार is, am, are का प्रयोग करना है। और अंत में complement के रूप में आए हुए संज्ञा या विशेषण का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Is Are Am was and were are examples of this verb?

With this distinction, Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Be, Being, Been can be considered as referential verbs.

Is Am are has have use?

They are called 'be' verbs or 'being' verbs. 'Am' is used with 'I' and 'is' used with singular nouns and pronouns. 'Are' is used with plurals nouns and pronouns. Note: 'Are' is used with 'you' in both singular and plural form.

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